Global Sports

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Case Study

Delivering a workforce to achieve a record breaking Women’s World Cup

After 31 days, 52 games and 146 goals, FIFA Women's World Cup 2019 became the most high-profile and successful Women’s World Cup yet and Global...

Characteristics of successful employers in today's market

Just like job-seekers, employers today are playing by a whole new set of rules dictated by developments in digital media, technology, society and...
Case Study

Building the Cricket World Cup 2019 delivery workforce

How Global sports partnered with the ICC and The Cricket World Cup 2019 Organising committee to build the best event delivery workforce possible and...

Changing Trends: The importance of digital in the talent process

An interview conducted with Will Lloyd Chief Executive Officer at Global Sports for Sport Accord Convention.
Case Study

Flexible talent solutions for Powerbar Europe

With a new corporate structure required a new approach to talent acquisition for PowerBar Europe GMBH. Global Sports provided the flexible solution...
Case Study

Helping realise Britain's Olympic ambitions

The British Olympic Association’s talent acquisition strategy has been transformed by embracing a digital approach which is delivered through their...
Case Study

Building a global workforce for the Rugby World Cup

Building a global workforce to deliver a major international sporting event is a considerable challenge. That is exactly what the Local Organising...