Case Study: Embedded Hiring 360° for West Ham United

Global Sports Embedded Hiring 360° provided a full-time solution to the in-house talent team at West Ham United Football Club, managing all their current and new recruitment needs across all head office departments with a focus on increasing the diversity of their candidates.

£67,503  37 20
Current cost saving
equivalent to 18% agency fee
Working days
average time to hire
Roles Filled


What specific hiring challenges were West Ham United facing before partnering with Global Sports?

As a premier league football club, West Ham United were facing a competitive job market with a scarcity of diverse candidates for positions across the club – particularly within their Marketing, Communications, and Commercial departments. Their aim was to establish a more comprehensive service that could manage the entire recruitment process from start to finish, offering support to hiring managers and the HR team, all while ensuring an exceptional experience for all potential candidates. 

WHU also emphasised their ambition to identify a greater talent pool of diverse candidates, with a particular focus on increasing the representation of women in active roles, all while seeking to avoid the high costs associated with contingent recruitment agencies or Executive Search services. 


The Global Sports Solution  

The Global Sports Embedded Hiring 360° solution from Global Sports offers extensive support to West Ham's internal HR team through the provision of dedicated assistance in the form of a part-time Talent Partner. This dedicated role efficiently oversees the entire hiring process and directly sources candidates for all immediate job openings. Our approach not only significantly lightens the operational recruitment burden for Hiring Managers and the HR team but also guarantees that every applicant enjoys an exceptional candidate experience that resonates with West Ham's mission, values, and culture.

By utilising the 360° solution, we have successfully improved the calibre and diversity of job applications. We achieved this through focused direct searches, proactive talent pooling efforts, and access to our vast database of over 200,000 candidates. Additionally, we expanded the exposure of West Ham's employer brand by promoting job vacancies across a range of advertising channels and social media platforms.


The Results So Far

In just 9 months, the Global Sports Hiring 360° solution has already achieved 13 successful hires  for West Ham United. Additionally, the average time to hire stands at 28 working days, which is 8 days faster than the industry norm.
To date, it has saved the business a substantial £67,500 when compared to the costs of equivalent agency services.



Want to find out more?

Get in touch with Global Sports and find out how we can support your organisation's talent acquisition objectives. 

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