Case Study: Embedded Hiring On Demand for Commonwealth Games England

Global Sports Embedded Hiring On Demand provided a flexible, part-time solution to the senior leadership team at Commonwealth Games England, supporting a period of growth ahead of the 2026 Commonwealth Games.

50% £42,000  34 4
Hire Ratio
Current cost saving
equivalent to 18% agency fee
Working days
average time to hire
Roles Filled


Who are Commonwealth Games England

Commonweath England

Also known as Team England, Commonwealth Games England (CGE) leads and manages the participation of Team England at the Commonwealth Games, working with National Governing Bodies, Sport England, and the Games’ Organising Committee. They have a small core team of colleagues and increase the size of the business to deliver success at the Games.


What hiring challenges did CGE have before partnering with Global Sports?

With a relatively small core team, and no inhouse HR or Talent Acquisition, the CEO and COO were looking for a solution to help advertise, attract and hire 5 new team members over a 12-week period. The roles would be a mixture of Performance and Head Office positions. CGE were also keen to continue their positive track record of a well-balanced female/male hires.


The Global Sports Solution 

Our Embedded Hiring On Demand solution offered fast and experienced end-to-end support for CGE’s senior leadership team, with a dedicated part-time Talent Partner and Job Advertising PRO to promote the vacancies to a global audience.

Our highly experienced Talent Partner worked directly with the COO and CEO to prepare the jobs for advertising, promote and directly source candidates, shortlist and pre-qualify applicants, and support the interview and offer stages. The Global Sports team also helped to design the Enhanced Company Profile for CGE to reflect their excellent employer branding and culture, vision and employee benefits. The vacancies were then advertised and promoted on behalf of CGE for 30 days alongside the Talent Partner activity.


The Results So Far

In 3 months, the solution has already achieved 4 successful hires with an additional role also finding two appointable candidates. We also achieved a 50% ratio of female to male hires for CGE, with an average time to hire of 34 working days and a saving of an equivalent £42,000 in recruitment agency fees had CGE used a traditional contingency model.


Want to find out more?

Get in touch with Global Sports and find out how we can support your organisation's talent acquisition objectives. 

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