Helping Liverpool University attract students to their world leading Sport MBA programmes

How Global Sports has been helping Liverpool University attract students to their world leading Sport MBA programmes.


The University of Liverpool is a Russell Group, World Leading, research-led institution, which offers one-of-a-kind MBA programmes. The MBA Football Industries (FIMBA) programme is the original and only, Football industries MBA. The MBA Thoroughbred Horseracing programme is a globally ranked and industry-endorsed course.

Global Sports have been working with The University of Liverpool since early 2020 to increase brand awareness and market position of The Centre for Sports Business at The University of Liverpool Management School and its associated postgraduate programmes.

The Challenge

Previous talent attraction events for these niche MBA programmes mainly connected with people already in their network.

“It’s a real challenge for us to reach the smaller pockets of valuable audiences that we are not already connected to.”

Two key areas were formed as the objectives upon which University of Liverpool were aiming for a partner to support them; Brand Profile Building and Measurable ROI through Lead Generation.

The University wanted to ensure they were building an effective data-driven conversion funnel through to potential enrolment whilst continuing to maintain their position as a thought leader and authority in the Football and Horseracing industries.

“It is not just about driving people through our programmes, we have to consider the importance of building our industry profile by initiation important and engaging conversations. This can’t just be done with research and teaching and Global Sports gave us a vehicle to connect quite easily and quickly with the wider market and drive tremendous value to our marketing effort.”

Hannah Brown, Team Leader Marketing & recruitment, University of Liverpool Management School


The Solution

Global Sports proposed the concept of a series of digital, interactive events, around the theme of ‘Innovation in the Sports Industry’. The events, delivered over two 1-hour webinar sessions would comprise a panel of Football and Horse racing industry experts with interaction from the audience attending.

instagram football  instagram for Horseracing webinar

Global Sports curated and managed the production. Providing speakers, moderation, briefing sessions, technology hosting, data collection and analysis alongside a marketing campaign and associated assets to drive awareness, interest and registration.

“Global Sports facilitated us connecting with the Global Sports industry with impressive efficiency and impact while requiring minimal effort or resource from the University which is a huge bonus.”

The Impact

The two events achieved over 850 registrations from over 70 countries, providing The University of Liverpool invaluable audience registration data on a high volume of target students (24%) and professionals (76%) to drive future marketing funnel activity.

“The way Global Sports managed and delivered the whole webinar series process not only freed up a huge amount of the facility's time, but gave us great confidence in the quality and output of the events.

This series has delivered marketing ROI to the university far greater than we expected. With enrolments from outside our existing network already being realised as a result of the webinar, we have tangible evidence of its impact.

We will definitely be doing it again, 100%."


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