Case Study: Embedded Hiring 360° for a top sports & entertainment agency

Global Sports supports one of the world's top sports and entertainment agencies in delivering new hires during a period of busy company growth across multiple brands.

59:41% £134,550  30
Male : Female
Hire Ratio
Current cost saving
equivalent to 18% agency fee
Working days
average time to hire


What specific hiring challenges were they facing before partnering with Global Sports Hiring?

The client was facing an increase in recruitment volume due to growth across their brands. They were looking for a partner with both internal recruitment experience and sports industry expertise. They also needed this resource quickly, to fit in seamlessly with their existing in-house recruitment team.

Global Sports Hiring™ were well placed to provide industry expert Talent Partners and successfully embed the solution into their existing team within 2 weeks.

The Global Sports Hiring™ Solution

The tailored Global Sports Embedded Hiring 360° solution provided a remotely based full-time Talent Partner working alongside their established in-house recruitment team. The partnership was initially to support 30 hires and has since been extended to cover more hires across brands.

Through the 360° solution provided, they also have access to our global network of sports industry candidates, posting and promoting all vacancies on the GlobalSportsJobs platform, and associated promotion across our marketing channels and network.


The Results So Far

Within five months Global Sports Hiring has already provided recruitment support to 34 vacancies across 30 different roles and delivered 22 successful hires.

This work has delivered an impressive almost 50% Male to Female hiring ratio - 15% above the sports industry average, with a 30 working days average time to hire - 6 days quicker than the average.

To date, this solution has saved the business over £134,000 compared to the equivalent agency costs.


Want to find out more?

Get in touch with Global Sports and find out how we can support your organisation's talent acquisition objectives. 

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