Global Sports Business Insights

Building a global workforce for the Rugby World Cup

Written by Global Sports | May 6, 2017 3:03:00 PM

Building a global workforce to deliver a major international sporting event is a considerable challenge. That is exactly what the Local Organising Committee of England 2015 needed to do in the 12 months leading up to its hosting of the Rugby World Cup.


England 2015’s challenge was to fill over 100 short-term vacancies and build a high quality, diverse workforce which would deliver the tournament through its various European locations. Additionally, they needed to build the profile of the tournament and their ‘brand’ as an employer through marketing and insight to encourage engagement and knowledge sharing.

At England 2015 we knew we had a strong brand, but like many sporting events, the outside world often think that the event simply rolls into town and back out again. They don’t understand the structure, set-up or indeed job opportunities available to them in a LOC. 

on Massie, Recruitment Manager, England 2015.


Global Sports’ primary focus was building the insight and knowledge of our audience about what it takes to build a team for an international sporting event, and what it’s like to work at a tournament like the Rugby World Cup. The engaging content was published over the 12 months prior to the event and included insight videos from Debbie Jevans, CEO of England 2015, and articles about teamwork from the likes of England’s 2003 World Cup winner Lawrence Dallaglio.

With this as the backdrop, we used brand advertising opportunities across European platforms, international newsletters, social media engagement and our global affiliate network to connect job opportunities with relevant, targeted audiences, supported by insight and brand messaging. We worked closely with the England 2015 team to monitor and evaluate application results and adapt activity accordingly.


Global Sports will always be our go-to when it comes to candidate attraction and employment brand building within the sports industry, and we look forward to working with them again.

The results speak for themselves. For over 110 vacancies advertised on Global Sports, 2,207 applications were made from over 51 countries. From these, over 60 candidates were shortlisted and 23 candidates placed.

Global Sports’ record in providing successful candidates to England 2015 was second only to their own recruitment platform on and four times more successful than LinkedIn.


Want to find out more?

Get in touch with Global Sports and find out how we can support your organisation's talent acquisition objectives.